Serge Kosevtsov

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Everything posted by Serge Kosevtsov

  1. Yap. Works well but sometimes not good I say. Time to time I don't like its color compressor. And there is nothing special what can't be repeated without that plugin. The bottom line is just to use it as grain machine.
  2. Osiris LUTs are commonly shitty stuff for result. Like maybe 99,9% of luts on web with no difference free or paid. Might be good as monitor creative luts on set I don't know. Never met DPs who used something like that. More than can't even imagine LUT as emulator. That sounds crazy. It's static file with poor enough bitness inside it for final delivery. That's really wrong way. To Emulate stock I'm sure we need a kinda Stock Emulator Machine with maybe AI core (hey Dado do you plan something like that in your current work) which can analyse digital source and do something extremely smart with that to get organic behave on exit.
  3. I found lighting in this video very interesting. Hope you all enjoy this too. If someone know how to get quality better I'll be very appreciated!
  4. Hey all, I'm a bit confused where to post it and decided to start in News. Well I try to find out let me say it current situation with GPU resources and controlling them on different hardware. What is starting point? What is Metal API? "Metal is a low-level API for third party developers to access and control GPU resources, inside iOS and OS X, more efficiently, and more directly, and with less overhead (extra power to run itself). High-level APIs such as Open/CL come with fancy bells and whistles, but also with some overhead that effects performance. Low-level APIs are more efficient and operate faster. Metal is low level. Take that at face value for now" (by We all know today there is a Metal on Mac OS High Sierra and DaVinci Resolve 14 started to support Metal as well. Good news. On the other side there is Vulkan API for Windows machines for graphic acceleration. I had no chance to test any of these new features and I wonder if there is anyone who has! What is your impression? Did you have a chance to compare Metal with others on Rendering for example? Or I'm telling a bullhsit and Metal sucks for our purposes and we should not care about it today? Who is interested and who has any information/experience let's discuss.
  5. New Titan X is 384 Bit card. It's great! But if we speak of GTX 1080 there are 2 versions 256 and 384. RAM is off top, forget it.
  6. I mean how much bit of GPU. 256 bit? Or 384? Or...
  7. For Win system is very good config. What bit param of GPU and RAM?
  8. Xeon of course, Margus! But definitely OS is a huge deal. But OS is based on a workflow which is closely connected with a pipeline. So, by chain let's start from formats. Formats > Processor. Planning linux?
  9. Very nice reel Leo! Nice to meet you and welcome!
  10. Hi guys and ladies, Just a thought I wonder who supports an idea to create a section with links to different kind of Digital Camera Footages for testings and exercises? As for me I like to do some experiments and share my grades. For this I usually try to use well-known footages from open web. But I mostly speak of a creative side not technical. Who is interested please gimme your thoughts and will see how it might be. Thanks, Serge
  11. Great! And that's right - the texture here plays a big role. Alexa plus Kowa it should be amazing!
  12. Hi Sebastiano, There is no one greatest course which you could pay for and bring everything best from there into your work and become pro. Everything worth which helps you move your steps forward. Just use it and do your best. If it opens to you so open to it. In other words if you got a chance use it and don't ask.
  13. Hi Abby. Thanks for topic. I'll follow this with interest! I wonder what lenses and filter were used on shooting? And what colour palette used? Of course I'd prefer to talk to DOP first and also discover the material used as inspiration. As for my taste the greatest look is Belgian Milk Sellers (maybe oversaturated a bit but still). More then it's very close to Alexa. But with no different of a palette and locations I'd say the main course is Chocolate deep darks and Bronze light.
  14. While sessions I usually try to keep 40/20. 40 minutest grading and 20 min rest with closed eyes and deep breath. Works fine to me.
  15. Internal denoiser won't give you so features, tools and possibilities as NeatVideo. I'd say NeatVideo is not denoiser but system of denoise. But most others are denoisers. So here is by situation. Generally in about 90% cases I need denoiser to make picture a lil better than it is. But there are situations when I really need powerful system to recover the image without sending this to other department.