Abby Bader

Debayer *.exr sequence

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Hi Abby, 

where did you get the exr sequence from?

If it's from a vfx department I would expect it to be in linear light rendered out from nuke, try to normalize it with a linear to logC or rec709 lut and see if it works, at least you know if that's the case and then you can take the best approach to it.

this is my first thought.

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It depends on the color space applied when rendering the files. The VFX-house should be able to give you this data (or even a LUT) so that the transform will treat the image in a way that gives the intended result. If you with in Resolve you could play around with the different 3D-luts in the VFX in/out folder. 

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2 hours ago, Thomas Singh said:

The color spaces available in Nuke are many so if you want to be 100% sure you need to find a way to extract the data if you can't have them tell you what is applied. nukecolorspace.png.376e1dd78b22669acd15339b4f66b5cc.png


exr default to linear and most of vxf pipeline read and write linear also to avoid confusion on color space. 

Reading abby's description of the Image i would assume this is the case. 


But then again It could have been rendered with davinci or something else and be an Image with some weird color transform applied. 

If  it doesn't work with a lin2log or lin2rec709 then the best solution is to ask to Who provided the files. 


Edited by Orash Rahnema
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Very helpful guys, I appreciate it. The sequence was rendered out of Flame and it helped applying a lin2rec709 LUT. Didn't know that it actually affected the luminance levels. And I've never thought of linear and Rec709 as something different as I normally just go between Log and Lin. 

Edited by Abby Bader
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