Biju Damian

Color Crosstalk

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As a start I recommendĀ  moving only the 6 sliders on the left side. If one of you channels is very noisy e.g. the blue channel and you mix and amplify the blue channel into red and green then more noise is expected.Ā 

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The ColourCrosstalk interface might not be our most intuitive one šŸ˜‰Ā 

Given the powerfulness of the tool it is quite robust compared to other more "complex" operations. The only issue is that if one of the channels is very noisy you should avoid amplifying the noise into other channels.Ā 

But you can use this to your advantage:Ā For example when you have a very noisy blue channel, increase the G in Blue Output. This will shift the colour palette towards a "simple" two-strip look and reduce the noise at the same time.

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