
Export web-ready still from HDR project?

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I posted this in the Resolve BMD forum, but it's been buried by hundreds of posts about stabiilty, performance, and other stuff.  I'm hoping that within this community, the topic of HDR-friendly workflows is closer to top-of-mind.

I'm trying to figure out the most idiomatic--but not idiotically difficult--way to export a still from a project so that its very easy for me to post or email the image to folks who will look at it on their phone or desktop PC. I can tell you that the REC 2100 PQ stills I'm exporting are absolutely NOT sharing friendly out of the box.

I can think of many ways to do this, all of which are disruptive to the current state of my project.

Surely there is a straightforward way to do this that doesn't involve all manner of manual triage.  Right now I'm getting best results by using my camera phone (?) in manual mode to take a picture of my FSI XM-310K monitor displaying the image with a D65 whitepoint.  There must be a better way!



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