Nicolas Hanson

Remote grade multiple clips in DaVinci Resolve

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I'm using the remote grade feature on a documentary where an interview is recorded on multiple clips. Any way to "link" those clips together someway, so that my grade applies to all those clips and not only the particular clip that belongs to the one I apply the grade too?

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Well... you could do that with a Post-Clip Grade. Group all those clips together and then apply that look with the Group Grade.

Another approach I use on documentaries is to sort all the clips in C-Mode (that is, by camera and timecode), and generally that brings up all the similar clips together. For example, all the clips of "Mr. Smith" would be together in timecode order, all the clips of "Miss Jones" would be together, and so on. Color correct the first shot and apply it to all the same shots that follow. As long as the camera operator didn't change exposure, it can work.

If this can't be done because of timecode conflicts or a flattened file, use Metadata to name the person in the clip. Now create a Smart Filter that looks for "Name = Mr. Smith" (or whatever, and all the matching clips will pop up in the current timeline. Ideally, you'd have an assistant willing to go into the metadata to enter all that information, because it is a laborious task, but once it's done it's fantastic to work that way.

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