Thomas Singh

Davinci Resolve + Fusion

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I've had a play with this on 12.5 and it seems to work as advertised. The only thing I found is that once you've created your Fusion comp on the Resolve timeline, there doesn't seem to be an obvious way to match back to the original clip. The best way around this seemed to be to duplicate the clip to a layer above and send this copy over to Fusion.

Since you're a Nuke user, I seem to remember a discussion over at Lift Gamma Gain, where someone was creating a script to enable Nuke to effectively replace Fusion when creating a 'Fusion comp' inside Resolve.

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Fusion Connect works, but there are caveats:

no handles

transcoded clip has timeline resolution

transcoded clip has grade applied (unless the grade is turned off)

trancoded clip has 00:00:00:00 timecode

So at the moment the main benefit of Fusion Connect is really the versioning, or quick fixes.

Edited by Jussi Rovanperä
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22 hours ago, Jussi Rovanperä said:

transcoded clip has timeline resolution

When you say timeline resolution, do you mean the current display resolution?

So, if I have some sort of proxy resolution enabled (or optimised media), then that's the resolution that gets sent to Fusion?

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