Thomas Singh

Subtitle background box in DaVinci Resolve

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Is it possible to get the background box of the subtitles to adapt to the width and hight of the text in DaVinci Resolve?
I'm using DaVinci Resolve for finishing and si far I'have been doing the subcap work in Avid and it's very time consuming. Sometimes I can use stroke around the text, but I can't always do that.

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Just had a look at this.

In Avid's subcap tool, you get box options such as 'Each row as Wide as Needed' & 'Each Row as Wide as Widest' as well as padding options, which are really useful

Can't see any options in Resolve (v16.2.1) that gives you this functionality. It looks as if the Stroke trick is the only way of doing this in Resolve.

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