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Found 2 results

  1. Still frames from short film "Pobeda" i graded Director Vladislav Mukovnin, DOP Ermins Baltais, Producer Diana Põdra It was shot on RED Epic and graded in Davinci Resolve Studio 12.5 using ACES
  2. Great news! Time to be proud again. About year ago or bit more i worked as a colourist on film House of Others, director Russudan Glurjidze and cinematographer Gorka Gómez Andreu. After ASC event we got information that Gorka Gómez Andreu has been awarded Spotlight Award, award for Outstanding Achievement in Cinematography by the American Society of Cinematographers. It was very interesting project to work with and i’m really happy that the film got this kind of award. Love the exceptional work Gorka did on the set and the dynamics we had with Russudan in grading. Always happy to work with professionals. All shot on Red Epic and graded in Davinci Resolve Studio