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About Adéyẹmi

  • Birthday 09/14/1986

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  1. Adéyẹmi


    Trying to learn more about CDL's specifically related to post production, when is an ideal time to use it while colour grading. And how do I create one in Davinci. Thanks!
  2. Corrections best done in log before transforming to rec 709 is the transformation itself. But how you transform it is the consideration. You can use a Log to Rec709 LUT, colour space transform or Davinci coulor space management. I personally dont think any is better than the other. But try experiencing all three.
  3. Node trees are subjective. It's customized for user experience. Your taste. And that's if you really feel like having one. Probably how you would arrange ur apps on ur phone. Only you knows what u want and how u want it. Just go for it.
  4. What does he mean by high red, high green, high blue?
  5. True that, but what I am simply putting out for someone new in colour is to start small. I have seen ppl two months into colour looking for tutorials on how to make their own DCTL. Its totally unnecessary to go complex when you dont understand the basics. Like any other artistic practice. You shouldn't jump to playing Chords if you dont know your basic Tonic Solfa. Ppl are too overwhelmed with the technology and tools. They want to start big rather than basic. The other day I had a conversation with a film student, she was quick to talk about kodak this and that, but didn't know what printer lights is. The look above can be achieved with a combination of colour curves and colour seperation if the photography lends its self. Whether scene or display referred.
  6. If you are quite new to colour, my advice to you is to not bother at all about Plug-ins and LUTs. Stick to your LGG, sat and colour curves. Knowing how to tweak things manually, colour seperation, tonal range gradient. Thats where real practice lies. You need to train your eyes and grow your taste. These are the things that makes you become an actual colourist. And then later, you can experiment. Believe u me, as far as grading is concerned, what matters is the photography, your monitor and computer speed. Everything else is very minor. This look can be created with 2 to 3 nodes using LGG primaries, and colour curves only.
  7. I think what u r trying to say is texture/rich contrast. A punchy looking image. Play with your luminance tools. Lift gamma gain. That's the best there is. Always lower your highlights. Keep them soft. Play with the mid tone to keep the image bulky, by lowering it too. You will start to see the difference. Keep a good reference. It's all in your lift gamma gain. Sat VS Lum is another good tool to play with.
  8. Hi guys, is there someway to make my LUT batch export from Davinci get labeled according to the timeline TC in of the respective shots, as opposed to shot number. Can I change the label attributes? Thanks
  9. Lucidlink is the best I know. Very efficient. Its a virtual server basically.
  10. Works thanks, markers or annotations I like to flip bsck and forth between shots for matching and whats really bugging me is that my tengent ripple is extremely fast, how can I slow it dowm. Thanks a bunch.
  11. Works thanks, markers or annotations I like to flip bsck and forth between shots for matching and whats really bugging me is that my tengent ripple is extremely fast, how can I slow it dowm. Thanks a bunch.
  12. How you would grab still in just as u would in Davinci which allows you to grab both the grade applied with current frame as preview?
  13. How you would grab still in just as u would in Davinci which allows you to grab both the grade applied with current frame as preview?
  14. Does this software support import precomformed edl like Davinci does on a single export file.