Yov Moor

Resolve Remote grading

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I use more and more remote for some job, sometime Europe to Asia with different company and different setup.
But one of very annoying situation, when I do long tracking with shape on 1 minute shot, the resolve master and resolve slave (fiber connect and fast internet, normal ping) computers are totally unresponsive for almost 30 second. And when I change the grade to this tracked shape node, it going again with unresponsiveness, and I need to wait 30 second again to have color change on both workstation.

For information, the same situation on different hardware on every labs I worked before, like europe, china....

Also I my situation I can't use streaming solution for some projects...

The only way to workaround it's to done manually animate shape or use point tracker to make acceptable faster respond.

Edited by Yov Moor
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