Neil Angelo Briones

Subtractive Contrast look and CMY Color

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Hey hey guys so lately I'm fiddling around with's unique Subtractive Contrast feature and I like how the way it looks. Dehancer does the same way as well with their CMY head feature. Quite difficult to explain but the shadows looks rich and vibrant and it's not that kind of "digital blacks" that I'm seeing. 

I'm curious if is there a way to replicate this kind of subtractive contrast effect done in Resolve? Made some numerous attempts but I cannot get the look that's similar coming from those plugins (or I'm too dumb to understand it's science) . I ended up crushing the blacks completely below zero IRE or either way making it a bit look milky. Maybe if there's a way to "translate" those RGB curves into "CMY", maybe I could get that kind of rich contrast shadows.  I have no experiences on  actual film stocks however, I just like the look that it gives. 

Hoping I could find some answers. Thank you!


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Search for Paul Dore DTCL. He made Film Density DCTL OFX. It makes colorful pixels darker. It's based on HSV color model. And it also has RGB weights and qualifying sliders.

If you don't want to use anything but resolve built-in tools, you can add two nodes. In the first node desaturate your image from default 50 to, say, 25. Then right click on the second node, change its color space to HSV and turn off R and B channels. Also set Lum Mix to 0. Just in case you accidentally touch a trackball instead of a wheel. Then increase Gain wheel to bring back saturation. This will affect saturation channel in HSV color model. Alternatively, instead of disabling R and B channels, you can just go to RGB mixer tab, turn off 'preserve luminance', and just increase green slider in the green channel. Then you can add it into a compound node and use its opacity to blend it to the image.

I've just re-read your post and found I got you absolutely wrong, I'm sorry :). I thought you're talking about subtractive colors.

If you add some example pictures, it could help to answer your question I think.


Edited by Anton Meleshkevich
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