Alexander Isaksson

Copy pasting parts of a node tree to other shots

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Is it possible to copy paste a section of your node tree to other shots?  For example; since each shot has it's own balance, I just want to copy the look section of the node graph onto the other shots in the sequence. Is there a more efficient way of doing this rather than copying and pasting the nodes one by one/"display node graph" and dragging it over, one by one? Since the shots are using the same node structure I was really hoping it'd be possible to just create the look in one shot, select the nodes and copy it over, to have as a starting point. I have searched online but I haven't been able find much.

Thank you,


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Alex, there are different ways to do this. On the manual and also on the beginners guide to Davinci is also shown if you want to read more.

First way is just creating your node tree with the look section on the hero shot, and then grabbing a still (right click on the viewer). You then select all the other shots, you right click on the still and do Apply Grade.
You can do the same without saving a still, if you prefer. Just select all other shots and right click on the hero shot and do Apply Grade.

If you instead already done the balancing of every shots, you have to go and remove the balancing nodes on your hero shot and instead use Append Grade, so only the look section you created will be applied.

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couple of ways:

1. Right click the gallery and there is "copy grade - preserve number of nodes", you can choose how many nodes from the beginning of the node tree are preserved when copying grades.

2. go to preferences - user - color, and select Ripple mode: all values are copied.

Then you can use "Ripple node changes to selected clips" to copy the settings of one node to the same node on several clips.


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