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Posts posted by Mazze

  1. Hi all,

    there's a new promo up since yesterday, offering a one year license of SCRATCH VR along with an Nvidia Quadro M6000 12GB

    for 2495 USD:

    If you're doing VR work, it's a pretty good deal - if you don't and just care about GPU-power... it still is :-) .

    Note, that shipping through the webstore is just inside the US - if you require it to be delivered to outside the US, shoot me a message.





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  2. On 25/11/2016 at 11:39 AM, Alex Prohorushkin said:

    For Baselight and Lustre, does it have alternatives? 


    For Lustre you have the Workflowers plugins.

    I am not 100% sure wether they contain a denoiser, though.

    But those are pretty mcuh the only plugins for Lustre out there.

    Maybe Cedric can comment on those here (and tell wether they are still available).






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  3. If the alternative doesn't need to be OFX compatible, best in class certaily is DVO Clarity from Digital Vision.

    You can get it as an additional plugin for Nucoda, or Loki, or included in Phoenix.

    Obviously that's a completely different price range, but it definitely is the best denoiser on the planet.

    You can also add their Thor card and buy the Thor-enabled version of DVO Clarity, if your every day's business is realtime 4K denoising.


    Alternatively, is you happen to have Marquise Technologies' MIST (transcoding + DCP and IMF mastering system), you can also add any DVO as a plugin to it, including the Thor enabled versions.

  4. Hi all,

    here is a new tutorial about audio-syncing in SCRATCH.
    Basically, there are 3 ways to do so:

    - manual sync
    - semi-automated sync
    - manual syncing with Sync-Markers
    - TC-based sync

    Also scene and take information can be added to the clips through the audio-files,
    and global offset (in frames and milliseconds) can be added to any number of clips.
    Have a look:

    On a related matter, we covered LTC-based audio syncing here in this tutorial:




  5. Hi all,

    when exporting from SCRATCH you will find yourself in a node-based environment.
    Beginning with the main output node, moving forward (to the right, physically),
    you can add multiple other output-nodes for different formats, framerates, dimensions, etc. .
    This tutorial shows how to setup an output-tree and save templates to speed up any follow up operations:



  6. Hi all,

    this tutorial focusses on how to animate a still image.
    In SCRATCH, all clips are managed in slots - and each slot can have a length, independent from the length of the clip inside.
    To animate a still (which basically is a one-frame-clip), you need to understand the difference between clip and slot length.
    No worries, it's an easy one ;-) .





  7. Lustre is primarily used in Hollywood these days.

    I think it's the #1 grading system there and Autodesk cares very much about that high end market.

    One of the many advantages of a Lustre workflow is the connection to Flame - which was e.g. pretty important when they did The Revenant (lots of roto on that movie btw).

    Apart from that I'm not aware of any specific software modifications.

    I know some colorists have their own panel mapping for Lustre (called "panel rules" after what the config file is labeled),

    but that's all I'm aware of.

    • Like 1
  8. You don't need Tornado for creating a DCP - this is only for high throughput orchestrated use.

    For creating and authoring DCPs you can use Marquise Technologies MIST:

    Other than that, there's other commercial softwares (cheaper), such as Fraunhofer EasyDCP, Wraptor, FinalDCP.

    On the freeware-side: I don't like OpenDCP, as it has not been doing a great job for me - gamma-wise and also metadata-wise.

    When you check an OpenDCP-created DCP with a validation tool (like MIST), you'll see that it produces lots of metadata errors.

    I can recommend DCP Creator on the freeware side:

    There's also DCP-builder and DCP-o-matic.

    Plus, here's tutorial on SCRATCH, where you can do a very controlled gamma / color space transform in SCRATCH,

    plus do the jpeg2000 encoding there, so in the end you just need to re-wrap your content to MXF/DCP,

    but not encode it a second time:

    This workflow should also work with any other grading package - principle is the same.







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