Emily Haine

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Posts posted by Emily Haine

  1. Hi Willian. 

    I do understand you are talking about a color managed workflow, that's why my example was in ACES. Your workflow still makes no sense, if you want to match cameras you should let ACES/RCM handle the transforms and if you want to override their judgement, that can be done on clip level and not node level.  When using ACES in Ravengrade you simply set working color space inside of Ravengrade to ACEScct and the rest will be handled by how you set up the color management inside of Resolve.

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  2. 21 minutes ago, Willian Aleman said:

    In other words,  is this only possible when using non-color managed workflow, YRGB?

    Not sure if I understand, but if you have different formats in ACES you should set the ACES Input transform to "No Input Transform". Then, if you want to challenge how Resolve interprets the clips on your timeline, you could change input on clip level. Why would you want to change gamma on node level?

  3. You can experience some gamma issues on DNxHR 444 but if Adobe Media Encoder interpret it properly, why not go that route. If the final delivery is 1920x1080 you could go with DNxHD185x (10 bit) instead as that matches Prores 422 quite good and carries the gamma properly between the apps.

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  4. Hey all. Can you recommend a software only solution for a color grading session with the director? I know it's not how it should be done, but the director can't be at the session and asks to follow on his MacBook so I need to find a solution for that. 

  5. If I understand you correctly, the footage is deleted both from your hard drive and the camera cards? Then recovery software is your solution. There are some risks involved with self-recovery so if the footage is important you should might consider contacting professionals.

  6. Playing around with the different frequencies is very common, you can see Lee demonstrate it in the Beauty Retouching series. It's often a combination of tools that gives the best result and it's smart to learn a variety of beauty techniques. 

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  7. Can't think of a better place than Lowepost for these things, it's really mentioned everywhere, you just have to know what to look for. 

    From the Hobbit article:

    "Luma curves are one of my favourite tools to use in achieving a richer, bolder look. By grabbing a still of how a shot sits with the desired exposure levels etc and playing with the curve in conjunction with Lift Gamma Gain, you are able to get some extra tone into areas of the picture that the standard tools can’t reach alone. Often you end up in the same place as your still with no perceivable difference, but sometimes, with enough experimenting, you can come up with some beautiful richness and depth and still keep the same exposure level to what you started with and desired in the first place, just a much richer frame in certain subtle areas. This doesn’t always work so you have to be judicious."


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