Paul Rayner

RGB vs YCbCr of my two monitors each is receiving a different signal

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I am taking a few days to get clued up on the colour management of Resolve, so I've purchased a premium membership to this site and I am trying to get my pipeline dialled in when I came across something interesting about my displays/GPU.

I've calibrated the following displays with a Colormunki on OSX 10.15 using i1Studio:
DELL UP2716D - HDMI to GPU (RX580)
DELL U2414H - mDP to GPU (RX580)

Whilst calibrating I noticed that the "input colour format" on the screens' hardware settings was as follows:
DELL UP2716D - YPrPr

And if I change them, the colours go completely outta wack. So I'm assuming that this is the signal that each monitor is receiving from my GPU (I only have the one GPU) and as a result, the monitors are automatically sensing the type of signal they are receiving. I assume this because when I do a factory reset, they are already on the setting that does not cause the colours to be outta wack.

Now in my research, I think I am understanding that YPbPr is the same as YCbCr and YUV. And that one can expect a decrease in quality from converting from RGB to YUV back to RGB. I understand that displays use RGB, and that if they are receiving a YUV signal, they will automatically be converting back to RGB for display.

So my questions are:

1) Is it worth looking into solving this? Is the monitor that's receiving a YUV signal therefore experiencing a loss in quality?

2) Will there be some way to force my GPU HDMI port to output RGB rather than YUV?

I have suspected that there is something funny going on in my colour pipeline for some time, and I'm wondering if this is connected.

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I would also love an answer to this question, as an Eizo monitor I'm currently eyeing can only be connected via HDMI 2.0 on my end, and will only give me 10-bit through this HDMI if I am in YCbCr 4:2:2, otherwise it does 8-bit YCbCr 4:4:4 or 8-bit RGB 4:4:4... which one in this case is the correct one to use for color management and a DaVinci Resolve workflow?  I think I should try to get 10-bit at all costs, but is there a big difference between having my monitor set at YUV vs RGB? 



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