For those of us who did work in telecine & film in the 1990's. Im pretty sure select shots from the original camera negative were scanned (with handles) at 2K resolution on a Spirit Datacine. Probably using using a Pandora on a 1D. 3-D color lookup tables were not around yet. I was just a dallies guy at Gastown Post & Transfer in Vancouver, BC Canada. I have very limited brain power but our Lab guys engineers were super smart. I made sure I would drink lots of coffee so at least the expression on my face made it looked like I knew what the lab guys and the engineers were talking about.
in Case studies - Premium
For those of us who did work in telecine & film in the 1990's. Im pretty sure select shots from the original camera negative were scanned (with handles) at 2K resolution on a Spirit Datacine. Probably using using a Pandora on a 1D. 3-D color lookup tables were not around yet. I was just a dallies guy at Gastown Post & Transfer in Vancouver, BC Canada. I have very limited brain power but our Lab guys engineers were super smart. I made sure I would drink lots of coffee so at least the expression on my face made it looked like I knew what the lab guys and the engineers were talking about.
RIP Film and all the smart guys at Kodak.