karl ellison

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About karl ellison

  • Birthday 02/02/1962

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  1. Yep! You have to cut the clip yourself using Scene Cut Detect. Not a huge issue i don't think. NOTE: If you want to 'Flag' the individual clips the way JD does it, then you'd do well to auto scene detect before entering the media pool. Hope this helps.
  2. Can anyone help please with a couple of minor issues please? Minor issue 1: When i set my project settings to DRCM/DWG > Gamma 2.4 my project doesn't shift at all? Pretty sure it should. This is leaving with the footage just about how i scene cut it, and without any apparent colour management. Very odd. Also Minor issue 2: When i apply a flag to designate a particular clip > the flag appears on all of my clips and not only on the one that i have selected. A setting perhaps? Any advice would be gratefully received. Thanks in advance.
  3. Yes..thanks Lowepost. I was about to delete the post when i realises that i should have been patient and listened to the module before i commented. States very clearly that the file is not included. Sorry! (Note to self: be patient before posting) Thanks
  4. Is the Alexa footage missing from the Download Media files?
  5. Cheers. I'm currently working on a 27" iMac 5K. I would have thought this would be enough to display this. Thanks for your input though. Appreciated.
  6. Thanks for the reply Tom Odd! I'm currently running: so am very curious why the numerical values are not there! I've looked at the preferences and can't see anything.....unless i'm missing something. Thanks.
  7. Hi On insight number 11 you use the Soft Clipping. Question: How do i show the numerical values as seen in this video. Mine don't appear on my version of DR16.2. Any pointers appreciated. Thanks
  8. Thanks for this and for doing it over the weekend. Hope you manage to get some down time now. Looking forward to getting stuck in.
  9. Thanks Lowepost, this is exactly what I've been waiting for. Really appreciate all these great courses. Learnt so much.
  10. All sorted thanks Lee. Great tutorial by the way. Thanks
  11. Im having trouble importing the Practice footage and supplied .dp files into DR16. Anyone else having issues? Would love to know how you resolved them. Thanks
  12. Not a problem. Grateful for the content. Thanks very much. K
  13. Thanks, as ever for this course. However, i'm having trouble accessing L02: Using the Patch Replacer. I've tried doing so on a couple of computers, but to no avail. Can you please advise. Kind Regards Karl.
  14. Hi Did i hear somewhere that Lowepost were going to post an Editing tutorial on DR soon? Or was it just a dream? I'm pretty ok with editing, although i tend to work on Premiere for this. Would be really useful to have a Colourists perspective on Editing though. I'm pretty keen to dump PPro altogether once i've mastered the Editing in DR. Still find Fusion a tag 'Klunky' though. It makes my computer struggle, even with 32GB of Ram. Thanks K
  15. Hi Ok, so i'm following this to the letter. However when, in lesson 4 (approx: 7.17) you drag a clip from the Media Pool and it immediately shows up in your viewer window (screen 2). Ok, so this doesn't happen for me. I've tried many combinations of this but nothing. The node that the clip represents is blank. I've made sure that it is being displayed in the correct viewer, etc...but still nothing. I've been over the lesson a number of times, and i'm sure that i haven't misheard, or mis-seen anything. Anyway, how can this clip possibly show up if it doesn't appear on the edit timeline? Am i missing something? Can someone please advise? Thanks in advance.