Edoardo Rebecchi

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Everything posted by Edoardo Rebecchi

  1. It is not cheap, but I think is more about 35 k (incl. VAT). The good thing is that is pretty silent, so no booth required and for us that was pretty important.
  2. Just to update the old post. We are using the JVC Z1 (LUT calibrated via BoxIO) from 1 year now and we are very happy.
  3. Hi, I was wondering about the different revisions of the Advanced Panel by Blackmagic. Also do you have any idea why on this website they can do this price? http://www.sdicraft.com/blackmagic-design-davinci-resolve-advanced-panel.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIv_ivhueO2QIVJTPTCh2SgQCfEAAYASAAEgL_fvD_BwE Thanks, Edo
  4. Thank you for your feedback! Have anyone tried a JVC Z1 in DCI P3 ?
  5. Hi, I am looking for any advice about DCI laser projectors, in particular about the NC1201L... thank you, Edo