Hollywood Colorist Walter (CSI) about his color grading process

Hollywood Colorist Walter (CSI) about his color grading process



W alter Volpatto (CSI) is one of Hollywood's most successful colorist and some of his movies include Green Book, Dunkirk, Star Wars: The Last Jedi and The Hateful Eight. He primarily works in DaVinci Resolve and uses a fixed node structure that he has developed over the years. 

Lowepost visited Walter at Company 3 LA with our camera team to learn in detail about how he builds his grades.

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Thanks Lowe Post and Walter for this. I used a Node Structure since you put on your Facebook page, a long time ago, but is very confortable to see you explain  again and the evolution the node tree has taken. 

Love  the SCENE node

Edited by jose arce
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thank you for this nice short and very informative video.
I laughed out loud at your reasoning for the Hail Mary node.. been there too.. 
and cleaning up. 
great info. the bigger node structures make a lot of sense to me now!

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4 hours ago, Douglas Dutton said:

Thank you so much for your insight Walter! That was very informative!! You said that you never have to key skin if you've done the balance and scene node right. Can you please expand a bit on this? 

I am learning color grading and I thought when pushing a look far it's often the habit to key skin.

Many thanks!

When I do the balance of the shot, I look at the subject: usually teh subject is a person, hence skin tone. 

i want the subject to be right after exposure/balance. i dont give a rat about the background shadow not being perfectly black. If I have to change the background shadow, that will be a secondary correction.

so: balance for the skin/subject
secondary on the “secondary” parts of the image.

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19 minutes ago, Juan Celestino said:

Thank you, Walter!!! Anyone, there is any way to disable the new feature in resolve 17 that renames the nodes? 

Not that I know,  go to the blackmagic forum and add your name to the complain list

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