Michael Tebinka

Field monitors and image quality

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Hi all,

I have been wondering for a long time why it is that most field monitors (sized 5-7") generally lacks accuracy. As much as some manufacturers include the ability to calibrate them (to some level) it is still surprisingly few that are capable to produce an image that is accurate. I understand that there are limitations to what could possibly go into a small-sized monitor. It feels like the development of panel technology should have brought us to a high enough level to make it right once and for all - paired with clever interface programming. When looking in the market for a on-board monitor today I am under the impression there is always compromises from one brand to another. And I'm saying this as I spend most of my time as a DP out in the field and significant time in grading suites (including my own); I know my tools well enough to know how far cameras/images can be pushed both on set and in post - but I just wish there was tools on-set (and I'm not talking about bigger monitors) that were more representative of what is actually captured. I imagine this should be important for a lot of people... 

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this. 

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