Frank Wylie

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About Frank Wylie

  • Birthday 01/22/1961

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  1. Currently timing:

    "In Caliente" (1935), D. Lloyd Bacon, 35mm, B&W, 1.37:1 Warner Brothers, from the original Nitrate negative, Cinematography by George Barnes and Sol Polito. 

    "Raw Deal" (1948) D. Anthony Mann, 35mm, B&W, 1.37:1, Eagle Lion Studios, from a dupe negative I "bench timed" (eyeball) from a step-contact printed Interpositive. Cinematography by John Alton.

    A show quality 35mm print, Fine Grain Intermediate Positive and Sound Master Positive will be generated for public viewing and archival storage.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nicolas Hanson

      Nicolas Hanson

      That sounds like an extremely interesting job! I've always been fascinated by photochemical processes, and the old school way of approaching images. Do you use some digital color correctors on some of the old titles as well?

    3. Frank Wylie

      Frank Wylie


      Currently, the way the lab is organized, I am almost 100% traditional photochemical, but we have dealt in a few hybrid restorations that required digital color correction, simply because an element could only be integrated into the restoration pipeline by scanning it, grading it and making a 35mm negative on the Arri Laser.   is one such project. 

      I am working hard to learn DaVinci Resolve in order to be ready should our supply of film suddenly vanish;  which is a real possibility.


      "My Views are not those of my employer"

    4. Nicolas Hanson

      Nicolas Hanson

      It should be a breeze to learn any of the digital color correctors with your background. Thanks for sharing, I love to read about your projects.