Misha Denisov

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About Misha Denisov

  • Birthday 04/27/1987

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  1. https://www.samgilling.com/blog http://robbessette.com/blog/
  2. Misha Denisov


    Great images, Aidan! Inspired me to check the series.
  3. The missing SAT v LUM curve can be simulated in Resolve by changing a node color space to HSL and lowering the G channel of the Blue Output (uncheck Preserve Luminance). The technic is listed in Juan Melara's video.
  4. By the way - how do you create highlight blooming? I tried different blur setups but haven't been satisfied yet.
  5. I do grading first and if the noise emerges, I add a noise reduction node before everything. I am not often working with RED footages, but they are noisy, fact. So usually 5-7 of temporal NR will not affect image details and quality, but reduce noise significantly. You will see it)
  6. I got excellent results on super-noisy RED footage using either Neat video or Resolve's internal denoiser. Neat will set everything for you automatically, in Resolve's denoiser start with Temporal (5 frames, Mo. est.type - better) and push it right before the artifacts come. Then go to the Spatial (mode - better or enhanced) and push it until you satisfy. Nothing special with RED, just dose the impact. For basic noise level I use 5-7 Temporal and no Spatial.