Jamie Neale

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Everything posted by Jamie Neale

  1. The greyscale ramp? it's in the edit page under generators, drag it into the timeline ctrl click and make it a compound clip to view on the colour page.
  2. Have been experimenting with Look Designer and Colour Lab more recently. Again it's not cheap ($499) like most good things but their approach is creative and scientific. I like that they're about developing looks beyond a 'film look' and encouraging us all to play and experiment abit more. I've found it's much more useful to understand the characteristics of film and why we like rather than trying to replicate film exactly. Also a big fan of Steve Yedlins approach. Definitely worth checking him out.
  3. How do you guys deal with the shift when exporting from Premiere? All my shots match across Davinci and premiere viewers/calibrated monitor but as soon as I go back into Premiere and finish the project it looks washed out. I've got a workaround but be great to hear how you guys deal with that?
  4. Hadn't noticed that when using Nobe Display but I'll double check.
  5. Great stuff, glad I could help a little. As an example... Whilst setting up a job recently I had a problem with a blue coloured shirt that the main character was wearing when working natively with DWG and SLog. I tried LogC instead and the colour started to behave itself and I was able to get much better starting point. I'd definitely encourage you to play around with the controls in different colour spaces, never know when you might need to switch to suit the footage your sent to get the best result.
  6. Lots of reasons to work in a specific colour space but I tend to do this because you get to understand how a single colour space responds. Means you know how colours are mapped or can be mapped to create the look/changes you want. But to answer your question yes you can map SLog into LogC with a CST or similar. It's important to stay in scene ref space so you can make the most of the signal captured hence Slog to LogC. Then when you output you remap it again to the (normally) smaller colour space for delivery. I sometimes just play around with the different colour spaces to see what it's doing to the footage but most of the time I'm remapping everything to either LogC or DWG these days.
  7. Tried Nobe Display and various settings on the iPad Pro and managed to get things looking pretty good (close enough) using Zoom. I tried both share screen and the virtual video input. The virtual video / nobe display combo gave me a much better colour match. Tested on a iPad Pro 10.5"
  8. Looking more into Nobe display you can load a LUT into the monitor so there's potential to create a viewing LUT for different iPads/Client monitors.
  9. awesome thanks, tried this earlier but the screen share via zoom isn't getting close to what I'm seeing. Thinking of trying Nobe Display.
  10. How do switch that feature on? or are you sharing the live feed from your second screen via zoom? noticing quite a big colour shift on an iPad when sharing through Zoom.
  11. Some great insights in there. Thanks Doug and LP. I'm really enjoying the Lowe Post style of classes. A great antidote to the YouTube style 'How To' style vids.
  12. Great tutorials. It's good to have a mix of more conversational lessons and technical how-to's.
  13. The tips on adding volume and richness are great. I'd previously used a combo of HSL and HSV mixing the gain to get a similar effect. Awesome set of lessons, keep them coming!