Colored by Thomas Therchilsen



The war between Germany and Denmark in 1864 was a landmark in Danish history. In addition to the huge reduction in land size, it's the general opinion that the Danish self-perception still is characterized by the war and the events that followed after the defeat.

I find that the contrast in midtones is too flat just using LGG

- Thomas Therchilsen -

The project "1864" was produced by Miso Film for the Danish Broadcasting Corporation and delivered both as an eight-hour TV mini-series and a feature film. With funding from 10 partners and the Danish government, the approximately €30 mill project became a reality. The script was written by Director Ole Bornedal, Torben Bech, Jesper Nicolai Christiansen and Tom Buk-Swienty. It was based on Tom Buk-Swienty's books "Slægtebænk Dybbøl" and "Dommedag Als".

The conform, grading and mastering were provided by Nordisk Film Shortcut Copenhagen. The project was shot on Arri Alexa and I worked on the ProRes files using Autodesk Lustre. The grading suite was equipped with a Dolby PRM4220 monitor, and the feature was graded with a Christie projector.

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